Kitty van der Heijden

Kitty van der Heijden is the Director for Europe at the World Resources Institute. She has been invited to be the Rapporteur of breakout session A) Economy and environment.

Drs. Kitty van der Heijden is the Director of WRI’s Europe Office, representing WRI’s vision and strategy in Europe and facilitating engagement with European governments, businesses, and institutions. Kitty leads WRI’s engagement in the post 2015 Development Agenda, and also embraces work on the international climate regime; the role of the private sector in development; global indicators on resource productivity and efficiency; and inequality. Prior to joining WRI, Kitty was the Ambassador for Sustainable Development and Director of the Department for Climate, Energy, Environment and Water in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands,  responsible for policy development on environmental global public goods and managing the sizeable aid budget of the Department. She was given a National Ribbon of Honor in 2013 for her efforts to raise awareness on sustainable development.

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